Psychological Support

At the Psychological Support Department of the OLYMPION Rehabilitation and Recovery Center, thorough evaluation of the patients psychic functional conditions is carried out, such as emotional disorders, (depression, stress) and the difficulties in the adjustment to the new life conditions and the rehabilitation process are located (behavioral dysfunctions).
At the same time, Individualized support and education of the patients immediate environment is provided, in order to obtain the best possible adjustment and parallel contribution in the therapeutic procedure.
More specifically, the Psychological Support Department is in charge of:
- Evaluation of the patient’s psychic functionality as a whole, search for the patient’s psychiatric history, differential diagnosis of emotional disorders and other related psychiatric demonstrations. Medical referral for therapeutic treatment follow-up when required.
- Cognitive functions evaluation with the use of specialized diagnostic tools.
- Interventional techniques in the adjustment difficulties, the stages and the disease’s course and also the rehabilitation treatment.
- Therapeutic schedule for depression and stress disorders.
- Consulting support to the family and care givers.
- Group entertainment activities aiming for active participation, mobilization and communication of the patients.