Ergotherapy (Occupational therapy)

The Ergotherapy (Occupational Therapy) department of the Olympion Rehabilitation and Recovery Center of Heraklion, provides services to adults with neurological and orthopedic health problems. The purpose of occupational therapy is to utilize any capabilities of the patient to make the individual functional and autonomous.
The use of therapeutic directed activities achieves the restoration, development and improvement of motor, sensory, cognitive, social, interpersonal skills and the autonomous performance of activities of daily living (feeding, transportation, clothing-footwear, personal hygiene, etc.), work - productive activities, cognitive and psychological activities, play - recreational activities after spinal cord injuries, craniocerebral injuries, vascular strokes. The Department of Occupational Therapy also treats people with psychomotor retardation - immaturity, syndromes such as Down, autism, etc.
The Department of Ergotherapy (Occupational Therapy) consists of:
- Complete anti-gravity functional training system for mesh arm and extremity injuries (Armeo Spring and Biometrics). With the above equipment and the excellent training of the therapists, the early recovery of neurological and neurosurgical cases involving a relaxed upper extremity after vascular strokes or neurosurgery of the brain, is also possible.
- Complete system for training of the disabled in self-service.
- Computer system with biofeedback programs for self-service training
- Treatment banks
- Lightweight wheelchairs with removable arms - folding for use by patients & trainers