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Dr. Spyridon D. Zavras
Specialized Rehabilitation Doctor
Scientific Director
Dr. Spyridon Zavras is a Doctor of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, specialized in Munich, Germany. He has long term clinical experience in Orthopedic, Neurologic, Cardiologic and Geriatric rehabilitation as well as in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain and the conditions of the spine with surgical techniques (with the assistance of radiology equipment of C-Arm type, for infusions “facet joint injection”, for infusions at the epidural area of the spine and for neurolysis “medial branch” of the zygoapophyseal joints).
From 2015 until December 2018, he was an Assistant Doctor at an Orthopedic clinic for In-patients and Out-patients and at a Pain Management medical facility for In-patients in Bavaria.
Since 2019, he has been the Scientific Directer of the OLYMPION Center in Chania.
He is a member of the German society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Graduate of the Medical School of Cluj-Napoca (2003)
- Specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Munich-Germany (2015)
- Education in Interventional treatment of the spine, Spital-Speising – Vienna (2017)
- Specialization in Algology, Munich-Germany (2018)
Medical Experience/Work History:
Maximilian Klinik Bad Kötzting (2007), Rehazentrum Bad Bocklet (2008 - 2009), Luitpold Klinikum Bad Kötzting (2009 - 2010), Reha-Zentrum Ingolstadt (2010 - 2011), Reha-Zentrum Bad-Gögging (2011 - 2014), Medical Park St. Hubertus Bad-Wiessee (2014 - 2015), Fachklinik Ichenhausen (2015 - 2018).